The word wineskin has kept popping up in recent weeks since my trip to Frasers Hill (it was a blast seeing what God was doing at the TOD Youth Camp). Matthew, Mark and Luke recorded this event where Jesus mentions about the wineskin and it is important to take note at what Jesus said (Matthew 9:16-17, Mark 2:21-23, Luke 6:36-38).
I believe that the outpouring of the knowledge (experiential knowledge) of God and His kingdom signals a need to reconstruct our lives and the way we govern our ministry. Ephesians 4:11 talks about the Church and how it is to function and 1 Corinthians 12:27-28 states an order of governance. We must not ignore Scripture and use templates gleaned from earth's governors in an attempt to replicate Heaven. Only Heaven's template can reproduce Heaven on the earth.
Here are some excerpts from the book 'Culture of Honor' by Danny Silk.
When we use other models, the Church becomes no more than what people already expect from their earthly experience. This is a huge and fundamental mistake, with serious consequences. I think we've been duped! When we use man's governing systems to define or reproduce Heaven, we've started down the path of implementing an inferior system. This will not only not reproduce Heaven but create a dysfunctional culture. Heaven will not conform to or replicate an inferior system. Heaven must be the source.
I've heard Bill Johnson say many times, "Jesus is perfect theology." I agree. If we see Jesus doing it, then we are on to something good. If He wasn't doing anything like what we are doing, we'd better ask ourselves, "What went wrong?"
I believe as we end this year, let us re-align our lives to not only what God has spoken but what God is speaking!
For the move of the Holy Spirit to perpetuate, we must constantly have a reconstruction of our internal world to the form of Heaven. We are the other side of Heaven!
I highly encourage and urge anyone of you reading this post to read and re-read and meditate on the 2nd chapter of the book 'Culture of Honor'. This is the time and season for what is written there to be read. Be blessed as we move into new things and sustaining a supernatural culture!
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